All the scenes were filmed, close-up shots were taken, and editing is done. Now, the Sparrowscope project is officially on Kickstarter. Check it out!
[Read More]Sparrowscope’s goal is to let you easily take stunning aerial photographs. It hooks on to a kite line and is controlled from the ground with an intuitive interface. With a Sparrowscope, you can capture anything from a picnic at the beach with friends, a natural landscape, or a rec-league sports game—all like you’ve never done before.

Mount a smartphone on the Sparrowscope, hang it on a kite line, pair with another device on the ground via wifi, and take pictures from the sky! It's like a drone… except it's quiet, visually pleasing, legal to fly in more places, and can stay in the sky for far longer.
I worked on Sparrowscope starting in 2012 and for a large part of 2013. It was a fun project to learn about Kickstarter and to design a product for manufacture without a client, which is what I usually do as a robotics and interface design engineer for hire. It didn’t get to the target on Kickstarter, which I expected part way through prototyping (in a nutshell, the price point was going to be too high without quality compromises I wasn’t willing to make), but it seemed worthwhile to go through the rest of the process to learn more about Kickstarter and marketing around it from the other side. I’ve backed a lot of crowdfunding projects and given advice to several as well—I believe crowdfunding is a brilliant use of technology to make it easier to bring products to the market.
Making a great Kickstarter video without breaking the bank
Circuit boards are in
I got the printed circuit boards (PCBs, in electronics speak) mid-week for my production prototypes, and finally soldered everything yesterday.
[Read More]Sketching in metal
Smart phone, meet microcontroller
An early test video
Kite testing
Progress so far
Softball and Windfest
Here are a few photographs I took while testing out a Sparrowscope prototype. The first bunch of pictures are from a softball game at Trinity Bellwoods park, and the second set are at Toronto WindFest 2012 at Woodbine Beach.
[Read More]Hello
I’ve (finally) got a web site up! While I’m out testing prototypes, “do you have a website?” has been the second most frequently asked question from passer-bys—right behind “what is that thing attached to your kite?” I’m going to fix up the appearance and then start posting updates on Sparrowscope progress.